While many people will attempt to get a personal risk insurance policy by going directly through insurance companies, it has to be said this is usually not the wisest approach. It is important to know the benefits of using an insurance broker. Making use of professional insurance brokers in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin offer a range of benefits that can save you a lot of money in the long run and help keep your stress levels down.

Here are four key benefits of using an insurance broker instead of an insurance company:
1. Doesn’t Cost You Anything
One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding insurance brokers is that there are hefty fees involved. In fact, this could not be farther from the truth – most insurance brokers are completely free! Brokers get their cut from the insurance company, which means you don’t have to pay a cent for the service. Add this to the lower rates many brokers are able to secure and you may find you’re able to save substantial amounts of money on your income protection insurance policy in Wellington compared to going directly through an insurance company.
2. Simplify the Application Process
A frequently overlooked benefit of using an insurance broker in Christchurch is how much it simplifies the application process. As industry professionals, insurance brokers are well versed in the confusing process involved with taking out a policy and can help you navigate the red tape to ensure all your supporting documents are in order. This can save you hours of time and allow you to avoid the frustration that comes with trying to decipher the requirements of insurance providers.
3. Get Better Rates
When it comes down to it, the most important advantage is that an insurance broker in Dunedin can get you a better rate, which may help you save thousands of dollars over the term of your policy. Insurance brokers work with a variety of providers to identify the best option for you and will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible.
4. Expert Advice
If this is your first foray into personal risk insurance, there’s a good chance the experience will be an overwhelming one. A good insurance broker can provide you with the support and professional insight you need to understand your options and guide you through the process from beginning to end. Remember, an insurance broker is not tied to a single provider and they have no preference over which insurance product you ultimately end up with, making them a great source of unbiased information.
Are you looking for the best insurance brokers in Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin? Here at Ease Insurance Brokers, our team of experts work with a wide range of insurance providers day in, day out to get the best policies in the industry at the lowest rates possible. If you’d like to learn more or get a free quote, get in touch with the friendly team at Ease Insurance Brokers.