Case Study – Jim

September 28, 2015

At 52 years old, Jim had everything going for him. Happily married with two sons, he worked at a distinguished Auckland secondary school as Deputy Headmaster and was coach of the New Zealand Junior weightlifting team. He didn’t smoke, drank alcohol moderately, exercised regularly and had a health assessment every six months. In November 1997, however, everything changed for Jim – he suffered two strokes within three days.

He spent four weeks in hospital, unable to walk, or swallow food and liquids. His wife gave up her busy career as a real estate agent to care for him full time.

Fortunately, he had Trauma Cover. His financial adviser arranged the claim with the insurer and a payment of $50,000 was promptly paid. Jim commented, “The receipt of this payment was the turning point for us in what was an extremely stressful situation”.

Jim is back on his feet now but he gets tired very quickly. Although he has resigned from his role as Deputy Headmaster, he plans to resume teaching on a part-time basis when he has recovered sufficiently from his ordeal.